Ok what the fuck is up with commercials now adays? Do they just take any old idea and make a totally lame and non catchy commercial for it. I really don't get it. I mean do people actually sit around a large table and go. " Oh yeah dancing tacos to the tune of never gonna give you up is a smashing idea''? God I hope not. The only thing more annoying then the commercials themselves is seeing them over and over and over. So I thought I'd share a few commercials that make me cringe every time i see them.
Ok C-o-m-c-a-s-t. What the hell!? This is one of the most depressing commercials I have seen in a long time. Did the whole cast take a few downers and had a go at it? I mean seriously. They have no emotion what so ever it's almost like a chore to be there. I wish I was on the set of that commercial. " NO JIM YOU'RE TOO HAPPY! TRY BEING MORE DEPRESSED. IMAGINE YOUR MOM GOT HIT BY A CAR'' I think they were going for the Juno type song. You know the one at the end of the movie. But, if that was it they failed big time.
Ahhhhh I hate these Commercials for Progressive!!! Flo the girl in the commerical is so fucking annoying I want to stab my eyes out every time one of these commercials come on. The way she screams discount is tacky and I don't get it. I think progressive thought that she would be a big commercial ''icon''. But she's just needs to take some Ritilin and calm the fuck down. She's way to excited at other people saving money. She's not even the one saving.
Oh Geico. First Cavemen then a talking British Lizard now money with eyes? I don't get it. I don't care how much I save. I'll pay you the difference so you can hire people to come up with better commercials.
Cash 4 gold. Do they actually think Americans are that stupid. Oh yeah. Im going to take hundreds of dollars worth of gold I don't wear anymore and send it to you. That makes sence. You aren't even getting the right amount for it. I'm sure you only get half of what it's worth. They make all the money. I never saw this one with MC Hammer and Ed McMahon if found it on youtube. This one is even more ludachris then the ones I have seen.
SHAMWOW! Hi I'm Vince and I'm a douche bag. This comercial is annoying. When he holds up the product this lasts -dubs over voice- 10 years! Give me a break that thing will last about 10 seconds. That guy is such a tool and he beat up a hooker. Nice one Vince.
OK I'm going ot leave you with a commercial i actually love and everyone else hates .
I love love love this one! I don't know why it's so damn catchy!! Well thats it. I hope you liked my annoying commercails. Ta for now <3
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